Category: electronics
3x DS18B20 temperature sensors in different places. ESP controller board with a single WS2811 RGB led to indicate its status. galvanized connection to mains /…
This project utilized the Universal-Arduino-Telegram-Bot Library by witnessmenow
ESP8266, DHT22 (temperature & humidity), MAX4009 (luminance). Supply Voltage: approx 3.3V – 5.4V (eg, LI-PO, USB)
carbonfiber heating wire. there are 3x DS18B20 i2c temperature sensors. one for each heatingloop. driver board with 3 channels, IRF1404 and Rds(on) = 0.004 Ohm…
this is a ESP8266 Nodemcu lolin v3. i plan on using a wemos d1 mini instead for future projects. when powering esp boards over usb,…
Arduino Uno and SIM900 EFcom shield. 3 Outputs and 2 Inputs can be written/read over a short-message (SMS). some SMS commands are: “#s” : get…
parts ready. testing 8×8 led matrix
Here some pinouts of cheap chinese sound effect chip boards / modules.
breadboard circuit and arduino programming. cloned signal opens the garage door. all parts ready case drilled the circuit is powered by 2 CR2032 button cell…