this project is based on the python-telegram-bot on github.
An idle HDD can be unmounted and put to sleep, but (eg.) debian still wakes the disk from time to time. to prevent that we…
this is a ESP8266 Nodemcu lolin v3. i plan on using a wemos d1 mini instead for future projects. when powering esp boards over usb,…
Arduino Uno and SIM900 EFcom shield. 3 Outputs and 2 Inputs can be written/read over a short-message (SMS). some SMS commands are: “#s” : get…
parts ready. testing 8×8 led matrix
bad ESC timing ripped flying wing airplane in half. adjusting ESC timing settings epoxy resin fiberglass nets applying epoxy applying epoxy and fiberglass cured composite…
Here some pinouts of cheap chinese sound effect chip boards / modules.
breadboard circuit and arduino programming. cloned signal opens the garage door. all parts ready case drilled the circuit is powered by 2 CR2032 button cell…
first a few methods which might or might not work: [code language=”bash”]your_command_here; beep[/code] which doesn’t work on all systems [code language=”bash”]your_command_here; tput bel[/code] which doesn’t…
HC-SR501: a cheap 0.70$ PIR motion sensor